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Time Management

I’ve decided to do a blog post about time management because a few people have asked, but also because I need this blog post for my own life and benefit! Let’s get to it!

  • Plan your time. This can be in your bullet journal, planner or a notebook. I find that writing down what I need to do in my bullet journal helps! Not only this, but writing down an estimate on how long I think it will take to complete the task. Ex. Writing a geography essay – 1hr30mins

  • Now that you have planned your time, what if something gets in the way? I found that I leave around 30mins between activities and projects just in case I need to go somewhere or I’m falling behind. I will either move the work to the next day or have a specific day for that project. Ex. Finishing art final pieces – Friday and Saturday but my geography essay is due for Tuesday, so I will spend 1hr30mins writing on Sunday and reviewing it on Monday.

  • When is the best time to plan? I like to do mine the night before because then I know what I need to do for the following day. On the other hand, you can also plan in the morning so you know what you need to do for the day and how much time you have to dedicate to the work. During the weekends I plan in the morning because I have time to do that, whereas I don’t on the weekdays.

  • Switch your phone off or put it in “DO NOT DISTURB” mode. Your phone will distract you and you will lose time! When your phone is off, you will block all distractions like Tumblr, Instagram and Facebook. You can start using your phone again, when the work is over or during breaks!

  • Avoid procrastination. I know, I know.. Cliché. But hey you asked for tips! Do what works for you. Don’t use a study technique that you hate because you will likely find a way to procrastinate. On the other hand, in order to avoid procrastination, get some motivation. Why are you studying? Think about your dream university and what your future will be like if you study now! This usually motivates me when I’m scrolling through Instagram and I know I have work to do.

  • Fit time in for exercise! Oh no! Yes I know, it seems bad, but it’s a new thing I’ve been trying. I’ve set aside an hour a day to exercise and honestly, it has helped me so much in the past month! I feel more motivated and refreshed (surprised right? I know I was) It really does help you focus, but also allowing yourself to let go of school for an hour or so!

  • Spend time with your friends! All that time managing your school work is no good if you are just sitting at home all day! Spend a few hours with friends every week. Learn to chill once in a while. It really pays off, believe me, I learnt the hard way.

To end on a high note, don’t put too much pressure on yourself! Take your time and try not to fit everything into 1 day or week! Do what you need to do and that’s it! Don’t focus on things that aren’t a priority yet!

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