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Stabilo Point 88 mini pen Review

I have spent the past 13 years of my school education collecting pens, books, pencils and many art supplies. So since I have lots of free time now, I'm going to start doing some review about some of the stationery I have gathered over the years and today we are starting out with Stabilo pens!

I've been using Stabilo pens for many years for notes, journaling and just last minute to-do lists! They were the first pens that I really started using for things like this and their colour collection selection was pretty amazing at the time.

So in the above picture I just wrote some funny words I found on the internet using some of my favourite colours by them. I use the mini version of them, not the full-length ones. This is because I found that I can carry them around better and they don't take up much space in my pen case.

These are really good pens if you want bright and pigmented colour for your notes or journal! However, you can't write hard with them which annoys me. Sometimes I press hard with my pens, especially if they are ballpoint pens and I can't do that with these pens. The tip of the pen will fray and bend and I hate that. Meaning that if they do bend, the actual thickness of the pen changes and it could make your handwriting really messy! It goes from a 0.4 tip to a 0.6 tip real fast! So with that in mind, I use these pens for quick notes (I don't press hard with quick notes) and sometimes some doodles in my journal. So my point is that these pens are good for quick activities and if you don't press hard like I do!

As you can see in the photos I tried using a wide range of colours to show you guys the colour collection they have. They have 18 colours along with 5 additional neon colours! Which in my opinion is quite a collection of pens!

Another thing I like about these pens is the shape of them. They are known for having a hexagonal shape. Not only does it sit well in your hand, but it also doesn't roll off the table when you place it down. There have been many a time where a circular pen has fallen off the table!

So overall these pens have definitely fulfilled my needs the past few years and I will definitely still use them. However, these are still not my favourite pens! You will have to wait and see till my review of my favourite pens comes out.

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